Keyser Blog | Commercial Real Estate Advocates

Nurse Starts 46-Table Pay-It-Forward Chain

Written by Jonathan Keyser | 3:12 AM on November 25, 2014

To help champion the concept of selfless service, Keyser shines the spotlight on random acts of selfless service. When we first heard this story, we knew we had to feature it here on our blog.

Source: Good Morning America

The picture above is a chart of all the tables Kathleen Connors inspired to pay for a stranger's breakfast at a local Vermont diner one recent Saturday morning.

After winning $500 at bingo, Kathleen Connors decided to pick up a father and son’s tab on a whim. She continued with her day, not realizing that her selfless act would be replicated another 45 times that day.

“I just wanted to make someone’s day. I was having a feel-good moment,” Kathleen said. “I went up to the father and son to tell them and when I said it to the father he kind of looked around like, ‘Okay, is there a trick to this?’”

Connors left thinking that was the end of it, but it turns out the father and son decided to pay it forward to another table.

“They were in shock and they were like, ‘Well, we want to pay for somebody else then,’ and they picked another father and son in the corner,” Tayler Merriam, a server at the diner, told ABC News. “It started a huge chain of people from 7:30 in the morning until 2:10 in the afternoon.”

The inspiration has come full circle, making Connors feel “euphoric” after a tough year in which she lost her job and moved to Vermont to find work again as a nurse.

“One thing led to another to another. It’s a dominos effect,” she said. “Everyone’s calling and talking to each other. It’s just been nothing but euphoric. I was extremely euphoric.”

Keyser is a commercial real estate advisory firm that is transforming the business world through selfless service. Our goal is to prove once and for all that the most self-interested business strategy in the world is to be of selfless service to others. Contact us today to see how we can be of service to you.